les mis part 1 summary

    What we've read so far in Les Mis is a lot about the bishop and the life that he chose to live. In the beginning, he had anything he could ever ask for. Then, sadly, he lost it all. He even lost his wife. After this sad ordeal happened to the him, he decided to move to Italy and start a new life. Here, he became a bishop in the Catholic church. He changed his ways of living and turned into this new person who was kind, caring, giving, selfless, and humble. 

    The bishop did many kind and thoughtful things for people, some who may not have even deserved it. The bishop became a man who wasn't materialistic, and was humble. He did kind acts like giving almost all of his money to the poor and needy. He let people who didn't have a place to go sleep in his house. He didn't even keep a lock on his front door so that it allowed anyone to come in and seek shelter if they needed to. The things like these that he did had a great and positive impact on people.

    The bishop also defended those who were poor. His argument was that many thieves steal solely because of the fact that they're hungry and are in need of food. They don't want to suffer or die of starvation so they steal in order to survive. He's given so much to others and is always thinking of someone other than himself. He's a very humble man.


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