final reflection for world literature 2020-2021

    The pandemic has affected many things this semester. There have been things that I've struggled with in this course. Lots of things regarding the pandemic as well that have been very different than what everyone is used to. Things like this course, being motivated, and the work itself just feel different this year. This course was definitely an experience, and an interesting one to say the least. 

    One thing that made this course feel different than any other course I've taken was just the feeling of comfort I got from this course. This feeling of comfort didn't necessarily come from the work, but more the people. I really enjoy the people in this class. The teacher (you, Dr. Preston) makes this class feel like no other class I'm in. I didn't really get that sense of pressure in this class like I do in my other ones. This class just felt more laid back (not in a lazy or bad way) and that's what I liked about it. One thing I love is the minute of mindfulness we do, it really just brings a sense of relaxation into our days. And relaxation is definitely something we need during these times.

    As I look back on our experience together, something I found the most meaningful is the reading of Les Miserable. Something I really took from reading Les Mis was the importance of being humble. Reading it made me realize how much of a good person the bishop was, and that I really admired the way he put others before him. It's definitely opened my eyes about how no matter how much money you have, you are no different than anyone else. I also found Les Mis interesting, especially because I have never heard of Les Mis until this course. 

    Now, as much as I like this course, there were some things that I wish I would've improved on. The biggest thing is procrastination. In this course I procrastinated a lot, and I'm very disappointed in myself. I wish I had more self -discipline. I think I have a great work ethic when I am working though, if I'm working on something, I refuse to stop until I have finished whatever it is. But procrastination is something I definitely need to work on. This has also helped me learn about things that can help me in the future regarding procrastination. I am definitely going to work on getting things done right away for this course next semester. The feeling of having to catch up on so much work in such little time is not a great feeling. By procrastinating, I just end up stressing myself out, and I no longer want to do that.

    Three texts I've read during this semester is Les Mis, The Pearl by John Steinbeck, and Richard Cory by Edwin Arlington Robinson. These three texts were really great texts to read. Three literary techniques that stood out to me in these readings are alliteration, foreshadowing, and metaphors. Just by adding these to their writings, the authors made them interesting and more attention grabbing.

    This course has taught me a number of things, whether it be about learning, literature, or just life. I'm glad I got Dr. Preston as my English teacher and I'm glad I got to experience this course and everything in it, especially with the circumstances we're in. Thank you Dr. Preston for being a great understanding teacher, I hope I get to learn more next semester.


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