literature analysis #1

1.) I chose to read "The Pearl" by John Steinbeck. The plot of the novel is the story starts off on a small seaside village where a family of three (Kino, Juana, and their infant son Coyotito) live. The family lives a pretty happy life, despite them being poor. In the start of the book, Coyotito gets bitten by a scorpion, and when Juana and Kino try to go to a doctor to help him, the doctor refuses because they're poor. So, Kino goes out and dives in the ocean in search of a pearl that is valuable enough for the doctor to help their child.

2.) From how I see it, the theme of the novel is the struggle between good and evil. And also how evil and greed can disguise itself as good. The pearl at first represents hope for Kino and his family, but soon after it leads to greed.

3.) In my opinion, I think that he would go to sleep not too late and get up relatively early. He'd probably drink coffee, with caffeine of course. He seems like the type to do exercises, lots of jogging perhaps. I honestly can't imagine him being hungover, I can definitely see him drinking alcohol, but I think he'd be responsible and not over do it. I don't think he would eat breakfast in the morning, he'd probably just have his coffee. But, if he were to have breakfast, I think he'd eat toast and some eggs. Then he'd brush his teeth. I also think that the first thing he'd do in the morning is get dressed and then proceed to do all the things listed above. 

4.) Five literary techniques used in this novel are personification, similes, metaphors, and hyperboles and alliteration.

Personification: 1) "The nerves of the town were pulsing and vibrating with the news" Towns cannot pulse and vibrate, they are being given human characteristics. 2) " And the beauty of the pearl, winking and glimmering in the light of the little candle" A pearl can't wink, that's something humans do. 3) "The coyotes cried and laughed in the brush, and the owls screeched and hissed over their heads". There are actually two examples of personification here. Coyotes can't cry and laugh like humans can, and owls don't screech and hiss.
Similes: 1) "It was as large as a seagull's egg" The size of the pearl is being compared to the size of a seagull's egg. 2) "He hissed at her like a snake" The sound he made is being compared to the sound a snake would make. 3) "This pearl is like a sin" Juana compares the pearl to a sin because she knows that the pearl is evil.
Metaphors: 1) "He was an animal now, for hiding, for attacking, and he lived only to preserve himself and his family" Kino is being compared to an animal who is protective over his family. 2) "Above the surface of the water was a green mirror of brightness and he could see the bottoms of the canoes sticking through it" The surface of the water is being compared to a mirror. 3) "But he was staring in her eyes and the light was reflecting off of her eyes into his" The light was hitting Juana's eye in a way  that made it seem like there was light in her eyes.
Hyperboles: 1) "Every road seemed blocked against him" Obviously, not every road is blocked against Kino, they're exaggerating that Kino feels like there is no hope. 2) "Kino found the pearl of the world" Kino didn't find the pearl of the world, but to him it gave him hope and mattered so much to him. 3) "Above the surface of the water was a green mirror" The surface of the water isn't a green mirror, the author is just exaggerating that it looks like one.
Alliteration: 1) "Cooking Corn Cakes" The repetition of the "C" sound. 2) "A stout slow man sat in an office waiting" The repetition of the "S" sound. 3) "He hummed under his breath" The repetition of the "H" sound.


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