how i read: les mis

One thing I really like about Les Mis is the bishop and his character. I honestly just love how much of a kind and selfless man he is. I really admire him for how he acts and how he treats people. He's always thinking about others and always puts others before himself. I really like that.

Three techniques I've seen Victor Hugo use are foreshadowing, setting, and characteristics. I like when he uses foreshadowing because it lets us make a prediction about what will happen. Victor uses foreshadowing in the titles of the chapters, this gives us a hint about what is going to happen in that chapter. I love how he uses setting. He describes things so well with such good vocabulary to the point where when I'm reading, I can visualize and see what I'm reading in my head. That just makes the novel much more enjoyable for me. Lastly, I like how he characterized the bishop. He made the bishop a very kind, selfless, and likeable character. The bishop is an overall amazing character that makes the novel interesting and enjoyable.


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