it's symbolic

 1.)  Three examples of symbols that I encounter in life are looking at the time and seeing repeating  numbers (3:33, 2:22, 11:11, etc.). It could be a notification that pops up on my phone or seeing repeated words/phrases that speak to me. 

2.) The color green symbolizes GO as in he should go and try to get Daisy to fall in love with him. 

3.) People are similar to animals because we do the same things, we eat, sleep, reproduce, and then we die. 

4.) Human's are different because we're able to fill our minds up with ideas and thoughts that animals can't think. We create stories and share ideas with each other, animals can't do this.

5.) Telling stories and inventing symbols can empower people to come together because there are many people who will agree or like the stories or symbols you're sharing. Take political opinions for example, if there are lots of people who share the same opinion when it comes to politics, they'll get together and be around each other. Just like Donald Trump and the rallies he holds. Many people reserve tickets to his rallies because for whatever reason they like Trump and agree with the way he does things.


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